A new project!

I’m working on a project for exploring astrology through expressive arts. This came about because I realized that my interest in just visual art is not enough to sustain me. I really don’t want to sell my work, and my primary interest in making art is for growth and as a spiritual practice. There are many times when what I […]

How to deeply explore your inner world

Original, fresh, new, innovative, groundbreaking.  Fuck ’em.  Find your myths. Find your idols, symbols, guardians, guides, angels, totems, whatever you want to call them. Call them cliches if you want. Find YOUR cliches, and love them, squeeze them and hold them tight. What reoccurs in your dreams? Moments of synchronicity? What image do find yourself spontaneously drawing, even if you […]

Do you love your body?

I miss being 8 years old and how freely I danced. My mother was in graduate school, and she listened to classical music while she studied.  And I would dance. And dance and dance. I loved to move.  Until puberty. This is familiar story to so many women. The moment when their body became a stranger. The realization that their […]

So what exactly is Expressive Arts? And what does it have to offer you?

This is my manifesto.  1. Expressive arts is intermodal Not just multimodal. Intermodal. That means we use the different modes to see our images, thoughts and yearnings through the different lens each offers, in combination with each other. Our cells express hidden wisdom through expressive movement. Spontaneous image making is a form of active imagination – dreaming while awake. Improvised […]

The transformative power of the creative act

I’m a self help junkie. My shelves are filled with books about communication,  leadership, parenting, creativity, teaching, and spirituality.  I’ve read most of all of them, and some of them really impacted me.  But as we all know, change is hard.  Reading, and the expansion of consciousness that comes with it, can be temporary. Sometimes so temporary that as soon as you close […]