The art I’d like to make and what is in the way

If I imagine the art I would like to make in the future, I see large, haunting paintings, with rich colors, representational, but also odd, distorted and strange. But not creepy, just psychological. Symbolic. People see different things in them. They are layers, with some texture, but refined. They look like they took skill and people who look at them […]

How to deeply explore your inner world

Original, fresh, new, innovative, groundbreaking.  Fuck ’em.  Find your myths. Find your idols, symbols, guardians, guides, angels, totems, whatever you want to call them. Call them cliches if you want. Find YOUR cliches, and love them, squeeze them and hold them tight. What reoccurs in your dreams? Moments of synchronicity? What image do find yourself spontaneously drawing, even if you […]

Healing a pesky sub-personality

Sisters, let me tell ya, it has been QUITE the week here.  I love summer break, don’t get me wrong. But being home all the time forces me to deal with all the stuff I escaped by going to work.   The grand experiment this week is to see what effect creativity has on my ability to deal. And what […]