The Dream Digger

Long arms for reaching deep, big hands for scooping the mud, strong nails for scratching at rocks to dislodge them, scattering copper, making a mess, mischievous. It will dig deeper. Dancing while it does it. The next day’s sky peaking through. The sun is setting, or rising, the mud clearing. This night imp’s daily work is scrapping joyfully to show […]

You’ve got to love your medium

I first heard of cold wax medium when another artist said they use it over their watercolor paintings and it give s nice satin luster. Intrigued, I watched some videos, very process oriented, and thus abstract. I wanted to try it, it looked fun. I bought a beautiful book on it (this one, if you are interested), and a can […]

Experimenting with music again

It’s only been decades. That’s not completely true. A few years ago I made a real effort to learn to play guitar better, and I took a online course for writing lyrics. I felt stupid and frustrated, and also that it was not what I wanted, to play guitar. Now I am giving it another go. I’ve felt very frustrated […]

A new project!

I’m working on a project for exploring astrology through expressive arts. This came about because I realized that my interest in just visual art is not enough to sustain me. I really don’t want to sell my work, and my primary interest in making art is for growth and as a spiritual practice. There are many times when what I […]


This week in the course I’m taking, we are to steal a few ideas from a favorite artist. At first I was going to steal from Leonora Carrington, but I didn’t feel that excited about it. Then for some reason out of the blue I thought of the artist Trenton Doyle Hancock. I’m mystified why he came to mind. I […]