Voice? Style? Consistent? Arg!

Once 18
Once 18″ x 24″ Ink and white glue on paper. 2015.
Work in progress. Untitled. Watercolor.
Work in progress. Untitled. Watercolor.

This blog post, though meant for younger artists, struck a cord. In short it says to find artists you envy and try to make art like them, but in your own way, until find your own style. And then, after you’ve found your voice, you really just start to imitate yourself. 

I love how this reframes envy. It gives me something to do with it. But the part about imitating yourself has been on my mind these past couple of weeks. I have a short attention span, and just when I am feeling confident with an approach or a medium, I am instantly sick of it. 

I know that sticking with an idea is how you build a body of work. So I’ll try to limit my experiments to stay within certain parameters.